Monday, March 23, 2015

Bobble-head skeleton

Sorry for a longer break, but as I wrote before, no new post if there is nothing to write about. This night there were two dreams, the first I barely could remember in the morning and after a minute or two completely forgot. The second one was the first nightmare since I started this journal and honestly, it was kind of fun, in a way.

I was somewhere in a corridor, maybe in an office building, and right to the right there was a counter with no real exit. Behind the counter I noticed a life sized, bobble-head skeleton that was bumping around off everything, he was completely and totally stuck there. It was a bit pathetic really and I kind of felt bad about its situation.
Suddenly a security guard opened the door to the reception and quickly learned it was a very bad decision. The skeleton immediately attacked him and chased after outside. I didn't really feel like going there myself, but it was the only way forward - because the corridor was out of the question, right? - and I had no choice, so I quickly jumped over the counter and looked around. There wasn't exactly anything really useful, but I did grab a broken chair leg. The moment I reached to the door I heard the skeleton coming back. I only had a second, so without thinking I started pushing on the door, so he wouldn't come through - of course jumping over the counter and staying safe would be silly, wouldn't it?
He was stronger than me, but I was able to help myself a bit with other furniture. After a brief fight I decided to jab the chair leg into his eye socket, it went in smoothly and without any resistance. I begun to turn it around and something strange happened to mister skull and bones. Actual flesh appeared on his head and in a few second there was a face where only bones where a minute ago. He was still very aggressive, so I didn't stop turning until something stopped me, the leg had to get stuck on a bone inside the skull. I was still determined to keep turning it and with all my might, I pushed on and it did go bit by bit.
The face of the skeleton started changing into static, like on TV when there is no signal, at first only black and white and then multi-color, then I got transported into a room in an apartment.
I thought to myself that I had to win with the nightmare - which most likely meant I realized I was in a dream - but the second later I heard buzzing coming from somewhere near. When I looked up I saw a black, goo-like void swallowing everything it touched. It started dripping on me and the loud buzzing got even louder.

I woke out.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Staying in school

And another one related to what goes on in schools, really don't know why I get that again, but hey... At least it was not boring.

I actually had two dreams, or maybe just one, but in two parts - that is something I do not remember nor do my notes tell me about it anything. The first "part" was inside a store, a bigger store, maybe a shopping center, maybe a big supermarket. I was trying to steal something and was caught in the act. Can't tell what did I try to steal or why, all I know is that I didn't really care about getting caught. I looked straight at the person stopping me and with a smile I let them do their job.

The second part, if it really was that, was inside my old school. There was meant to be a play and we were getting ready to it. Everything was done underwater, cause dream logic and after a sports competition and without any real preparation to said play, if that makes any sense.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Going back to school

Recently I was attending a parents teachers conference at school, so this dream is not really that surprising. At least in the fact it happened, but what happened inside the dream is something else.

I was walking down the hall of the school towards the stairs up, my goal was the second floor. There really wasn't anyone around, except for few kids talking to each other. I begun to slowly walk up, since I didn't feel like I was in a rush, honestly I don't even know why was I there to begin with. I started scaling the railing of the stairs for no real reason and done some maneuvers that just aren't physically possible. When I finally got up someone told me that on the ground level my friend was hit in the face by an a guy not from the school. I rushed down and saw a small group of kids gathered around my friend, I immediately asked "Who did that?!" and all they did was just point in a direction.
I jumped that way almost in an animalistic fashion, even letting out a growl. I got to the stairs leading down to the changing rooms and grabbed a kid that was walking up. I yelled to him "Did you see anyone not from the school down there?" when he confirmed I run down, but was quikly stopped by a lady going up carrying benches, don't ask why, I have no clue.

At this point I woke up.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Strange journey

After a break in having something actually worth mentioning another one appeared. I don't know what time of the year it was or what time of the day. I was with my brother somewhere, technically around my house, but the surroundings were something I have never seen, although it was strangely familiar. We were walking back home with my dog and we decided to have a race and we split going from both sides around a building. When we got back together it turned out we are near a tram station with my friend.

We walked a few moments near a wall, when a couple with a weird dog came out of an entrance. The dog wasn't aggressive or anything like that, it was just weird. Anyways, we bought tickets for the tram and while on it I went to validate them. When I pulled them out from my wallet and looked at them, I was not able to read anything - supposedly in dreams you can't read letters and numbers - and when I'd put them in the machine and checked them again one of the tickets shrunk and the printed on date and time were unreadable.

The ticket controller that was right next to me, said that I should just stay put and if anyone asks tell the truth about what happened. I decided to sit down near the machine, soon after a woman sat right next to me, and an older one stood near. Since I was going to get off soon, I got up to make room for the older woman. Right before getting off the tram I noticed that my pockets are empty and the women are talking to each other, with the older one holding my coins in her hand. I do know those wee my coins, since I carry around a very unusual combination of coins - unusual for my country. I walked closer, opened my hand and said to them to give me my coins back.

That was it, I woke up early in the morning very confused.

Friday, March 6, 2015

A birthday party

Sorry for lack of a post yesterday, but I simply couldn't remember anything worth of note, so I just decided to not write anything. The dream from this night wasn't weird or anything either, it just came and went.

It was my birthday, for me a day like any other, but my family decided to make a birthday party in spite of what I think about it, go figure. Everything was going smoothly and for some reason the only guests I had was the part of my family I literally saw once in my entire life (and that is already 29 years).
Of course what would be a party without entertainment, so I did get that as well, but I have absolutely no clue why did they decided to invite a real regional performer. I even remember what he said while walking upstairs, "well, we didn't play in a place like that yet" with a very strong accent. They guy brought with him an instrument and my dog, that wasn't my dog, didn't like the fact. I used to have a German shepherd, but she died few years ago and that was not my dog. I said to the performer "he's annoyed with the instrument case not with you", as the dog was visibly angry.

To be clear on something my birthday was almost a month ago, so I have no clue why this dream showed up right now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A flying head

After all those notes I took I'm beginning to wonder, what the hell brain? I know that most of dreams have absolutely no meaning and only sometimes relate to the real events, but why so abstract?
This time in my dream I saw a big flying head, telling about the need to do "it". It never said exactly what the "it" was, but it was clear there was an importance and the need of the "it" to be done. After each sentence it spun around in place. 
I woke up here and went to the bathroom. I had another dream, but it was nothing special. Just some people I know talking about cucumbers. And no, I don't know why.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Saving the world

This time there could be a reason for the weird dream I had. Last night for supper I ate two tortillas with a ton of cheese. Now I don't know what cheese does to my dreams, but it sure as hell does make me sleepy and again, it did.

This dream was about saving the world. I don't know if it was from aliens, demonic power or just some evil human organization, I really can't remember. But the fact of the matter is I managed to save the world and with what? With a recipe for something. I do not recall what the recipe was about, but it sure had to be something, cause the moment food hit the table those beings lost any and all desire to conquer the planet.

Sadly the recipe is gone and if the threat comes back I won't be able to defend it. Great job brain, you doomed us all.

Monday, March 2, 2015

A gay hockey player

I don't really know what was going on in this dream. When I woke up I was not very responsive and in the note I made there aren't exactly too many specifics. But making a not was a good idea, cause by now, when I am writing this, I would not remember anything about it. Actually I would doubt this even happen in my dream, if not the note I have in front of me that does remind me a bit of what I saw.

The details are sketchy at best, but as I wrote in the "what is the point?" page, some days it might turn out this way. The was a hockey player, no one I recognized, that got arrested for something. I think he was somebody important, you know, not like an actual sports person, but someone well known, that happened to be a hockey player at that moment. For some reason he was gay, but that didn't play into anything. 

That is pretty much everything I was able to remember when I woke up. There was more, I do know that, there might have been even a narrative of some sorts, but that is where everything is blurry and I just can't recall anything concrete.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Short shorts are short... and pointless

So this it not exactly from what I would call "my normal sleep" time, as there was nothing I could recall about it when it happened at night. This one is from a nap I took today, or rather a series of naps I tried to take. Nothing is connected to each other, at least I think so.

This was a weird one, I was watching a series of short scenes that seem to lack any reason behind them and were a mix of things that happened and people I seen and interacted with and things absolutely made up.

I went to an airport with my girlfriend, in a taxi driven by a robot taxi driver, that happen to have a bag with Luigi on in (the green guy from the game Super Mario Brothers). He was driving a very crappy car, that nowadays you can barely even find on the road. That scene went nowhere, not even sure if we got to the airport, but we did get out of the car in a place, a place. There was a scene with were I was arguing with a middle aged man almost to a point of getting physical, but it never happened. The same man had a wife, who when she came changed his behavior 180 degrees and he was very polite, as if the argument never happened. And there was a scene with my sister, who in a hotel room, dismantled her car's exhaust system. Oh yeah, the car WAS in the hotel room, on top of the bed, as she was pulling the pipes out from under it.

There was one more I remember very vaguely, something about making a model of a mountain stream from candle wax, but all I remember about this one is that I was scraping the candle wax with a screwdriver.
